Is Invisalign Worth It For Adults?
Invisalign clear aligner technology has been revolutionary in the dental field, taking teeth correction treatment to a new level. Align Technology has celebrated its eight millionth patient in 2019 and continues to grow in popularity, successfully bringing wider smiles to dental patients worldwide. If you had bad teeth as a child but never got it corrected, now you might be wondering, “Is Invisalign worth it for adults?”

As you know, having bad teeth can affect your self-esteem and confidence profoundly. It will not be an exaggeration to say that it can even lower the quality of your life. According to a study in Britain, an astonishing half of the population hates to smile because of their bad teeth. Some people claimed that they were rejected in interviews because of their oral condition. Still, others went on to say that they wouldn’t smile even in their wedding pictures for fear of exposing their crooked teeth!
Although childhood is the ideal time to correct misaligned teeth, it is never too late for you to get the oral treatment you deserve. Most adults consider wearing braces embarrassing. So, Invisalign is an excellent option for adults who want to achieve straight and beautiful teeth without announcing it to the world. Besides, straight teeth will mean better hygiene and oral health.
How is the user experience like?
You will get to wear a set of aligners that must be changed every ten to fifteen days, depending on your orthodontist’s treatment plan. These aligners place gentle pressure on your teeth, nudging them towards the desired place. Each aligner is a progression from the previous model, bringing the teeth to the correct position. Wearing an aligner can be painful, especially during the break-in period. Your mouth will feel sore and develop a wisp while speaking because it changes your lips and tongue’s dynamics. However, these are common side effects that are experienced by people wearing braces too. You can resolve the issues within weeks.
If you are a public speaker or teacher or your job requires frequent speaking, you might want to cancel your plans for a few days after starting treatment. Take some time off to get adjusted to your new life. Once you are comfortable with your aligners, you can go about your daily routine normally. Invisalign is clear, so your teeth might look a little shinier, but unless people look really closely, the aligners remain pretty much invisible.
The teeth tend to revert to their old position if aligners are removed. So you have to wear them for at least 22 hours each day. This means that you will only remove your aligners during your meals. You’ll have to brush your teeth, clean your aligners, and put them back right on. You may not be able to snack as often as you like to avoid taking them off too much. But that might not be such bad news is you can use this inconvenience to cut some extra calories.
Why should adults opt for Invisalign?
We all know the apparent reason why adults opt for Invisalign. It’s aesthetics. You don’t want people staring at your braces every time you open your mouth. Invisalign makes you look natural, and the aligners are almost invisible. But that is not all there is to the benefits of wearing Invisalign. In various ways, they are preferable to traditional braces.
For instance, they are incredibly versatile and can treat a wide range of dental problems, including malocclusions and overcrowding. Although some cases work better with braces, Invisalign offers unique solutions to dental woes.
Unlike braces where the food particle gets stuck in the wires and is challenging to clean, aligners are much easier to maintain. Moreover, cleaning it regularly after every meal improves overall oral hygiene.
You require lesser visits to the clinic as you get your entire set all at once.
They are also a lot more comfortable than braces. The aligners cover your entire teeth right up to the gum, and it is made of plastics that are soft on your tender tissues.
What are the cons?
Most adults can work, save up and afford Invisalign. But costing anywhere around 3000 to 5000 dollars, depending on your condition’s severity, it can still be expensive. Another disadvantage is, if you are indisciplined and don’t wear the aligners as long as you should, the treatment will suffer. Your teeth will not move satisfactorily, and you may end up extending your time of treatment.
What you need to know before getting Invisalign
Before you hit your orthodontist’s office to get your aligners, here are a few things to keep in mind. Unlike braces, you can take your clear aligners off. So, if you want to see results in time, you have to be compliant and wear it for a minimum of 22 hours per day. They are not as painful as other orthodontic procedures but expect some mild pain and discomfort as a side effect from pushing the teeth to new positions. You will also develop a lisp while speaking, so public speaking or official interactions may be challenging for the first week. However, these issues are not permanent and will be resolved within weeks.

You might also want to know what happens after the treatment is done. Even after achieving perfectly aligned teeth, they will want to shift and revert to their original position. You will get retainers that must be worn at night to prevent the teeth from shifting back.
So, Is Invisalign worth it for adults?
Invisalign is worth every penny if it can bring back your confidence and improve your smile. When you look good, you feel good, and you are more likely to be productive and healthier. Straight teeth not only enhance your face but also promote better oral health. So if your crooked teeth bother you, go for it!
Invisalign makes it possible for adults and even senior citizens to achieve straight and beautiful teeth without the stigma attached to braces.
Clear Braces Vs Metal Braces: Choices Compared
As unreal as it sounds, having crooked teeth can lower life quality and breed a lot of insecurity. If you have bad teeth, you probably understand what that means. When you meet someone or face an interview, you create an excellent first impression with your smile. But bad teeth can turn such a simple act of smiling and laughing into a problematic and embarrassing task, tearing down your confidence and self-esteem. Being self-conscious all the time can also wreak havoc on your mental health. No wonder people are willing to bear the pain of braces for months and even years to correct dental issues.

Clear Braces Vs. Metal Braces
In orthodontic treatment, you can opt for clear braces or traditional metal braces. Although metal braces have been in the picture for a longer time, clear braces have become more popular over the years. Dental patients, especially adults who want to keep their treatment discreet, prefer clear braces to metal braces. However, both options are effective and have their pros and cons depending on the correction level required.
Now let us see how each type’s construction, its pros and cons, and which of the two is more efficient in orthodontic treatments.
What are clear braces?
Clear or ceramic braces are similar to metal braces, but they differ in the material used to construct the brackets. Clear braces use ceramic or porcelain and sometimes plastic brackets that are glued to the tooth. They can be transparent or skin-colored, while the archwires come in silver or white. Clear braces can take anywhere between 18 to 36 months, moving teeth faster than clear aligners.
Apparently, the most significant advantage of clear braces is that they are less noticeable. They don’t draw others’ attention to your teeth as much as metal braces do, so they are aesthetically pleasing. This brings much relief to older teens and adults who find metal braces loud or ugly.
Clear braces are gentler on your gums and cheeks. They do not irritate or scrape your lips and soft tissues inside the mouth.
If you have complicated oral issues and require imaging tests, clear braces stack up better. They do not produce signal interference like metal braces.
However, clear braces are more expensive than metal braces by at least a thousand dollars or two. The design and material that lends its attractive look are costlier and make it less budget-friendly. If you are on a tight budget, metal braces are better options.
Clear brackets are more extensive in size and may be hard to clean. The porous and transparent material may also make it prone to stains.
Because the materials used to make clear braces are less durable, you may incur more expenses in the event of damage. Plus, the time you lose during repair and adjustment can delay the straightening process. You may end up wearing them for longer than you like.
Clear braces take a long time and are more suitable for simple correction issues.
What are metal braces?
Metal braces are the traditional ones that have been around for a longer time. Here, metal brackets are adhered to the teeth with special glue and then connected by metal archwires. If you opt for a metal brace, you will need to see your doctor often for periodic adjustments to increase pressure and see if they are in the right position.
Of all the options, metal braces are the least expensive type of orthodontic treatment for misaligned teeth. Since many health insurances do not cover braces, metal braces can be the most affordable option.
Metal braces are faster at realigning treatments. They are also more capable of resolving difficult cases that do not work suitably with clear braces and aligners.
Metals are strong, and they do not break. They are much more durable than ceramic and plastic brackets, so you are less likely to experience setbacks from damage.
If you aren’t bothered by the attention that braces bring, you can go a step further and make your braces look fashionable. You have a wide range of designs and colors to choose from.
For the self-conscious, metal braces are too loud. Each time you open your mouth, they draw people’s attention to your metal teeth. For some, the unappealing look from wearing braces can bother and impact the quality of life. Besides, wearing metals in the mouth may pose a danger or inconvenience for people in specific jobs such as boxing, acting, modeling, music, and sports.
Wearing metal braces can be painful as well as give you mouth sores. The brace continually rubs against the tender tissues inside your mouth and makes it prone to cuts, scrapes, and sores.
Metal braces are difficult to clean. It takes a lot of time to properly brush and floss, ensuring that food particles do not stick in between the braces.
Your Teeth and Orthodontic Treatment
Thanks to technology, we have wide options while choosing braces. But which type and how long to wear may depend on several factors. For instance, the severity of your condition, space inside your mouth, the width of gaps, and gum and bone health will determine the treatment plan and time. How closely you follow instructions will also impact how fast the treatment can be done.

If you are reading this article, you are probably considering getting your teeth job done. And you’ve probably got the answer as well. Which one is better? It depends. For example, if you consider aesthetics, clear braces are the winner, but metal braces are far better for durability.
Both types have their pros and cons, and one will work better in ways that the other doesn’t. Evaluating your condition will help you decide which one will work best for you.
If you still can’t decide which one to opt for, don’t worry. You don’t have to take the decision alone. Your orthodontist will carefully evaluate your condition and suggest the best option for you. So armed with all this knowledge, hit your orthodontist’s chamber. We are sure you will be able to figure out the best treatment option.
How long does Invisalign take to close a gap?
Invisalign is a clear aligner technology to straighten teeth without making it too obvious. It has become hugely popular, and people have a growing interest to know about the hows of Invisalign in treating several dental issues, including tooth gap.
Tooth gap, medically known as diastema, is a minor dental problem that can be effectively corrected with Invisalign. Because of aesthetic reasons, Invisalign is the natural option for most people looking for orthodontic treatment.
But how long does Invisalign take to close a gap? The answer depends on several factors. However, before we dive into the details, let us look more closely at dental gaps and why they occur.

What is Tooth Gap or Diastema?
Despite the seriousness that the medical term Diastema might make tooth gap sound, it is a very common and minor dental issue. A tooth gap is a visible space between two or more teeth but most commonly between the upper front incisors. Tooth gaps can range from small to large gaps that are easily noticeable, impacting your face’s overall aesthetics. If you have tooth gaps that are bothering you, it might relieve you to know that several procedures can successfully treat it, with Invisalign clear aligners being one of them.
What Is The Cause?
There are several contributing factors for tooth gaps. One reason is the difference between the size of teeth and the jawbone. If your teeth are too small for the jawbone, they will be spaced too far apart, and gaps will be visible. Genetics play a role in determining the size of your teeth and jawbone.
Tooth gap can also form from an overgrowth of tissues that borders the front teeth and the gum line. The overgrowth of tissues causes the teeth to separate, often creating a gap.
Tooth gap may also result from bad habits. For instance, kids constantly sucking the thumb may pull the teeth forward and cause gaps. If you continuously push the tongue against the front teeth while swallowing food, it can push the teeth forward and cause gaps.
The teeth gap can also be a result of gum diseases. When the gums and tissues surrounding the teeth get infected, it can lead to loss of teeth forming large visible gaps.
Why should you close gaps?
Unless you have gum disease or have other accompanying complications, a tooth gap is a minor dental issue. It does not require compulsory medical treatment. However, huge gaps can ruin your facial aesthetics and take away your confidence. It can make you feel self-conscious while speaking or even smiling. In such a case, getting orthodontic treatment becomes essential for avoiding embarrassment and gaining back self-esteem. Some people may even consider closing small gaps to improve their smile.
Invisalign and Tooth Gap
Invisalign is the perfect solution for people who want to close gaps for cosmetic reasons. Not only is it highly effective at closing gaps, but it is also nearly invisible. Unlike braces, they are less noticeable, so no one would know you are wearing them unless they look close. Braces can draw people’s attention to your teeth each time you speak, smile, or laugh, which can be uncomfortable. So it is naturally the choice for those who consider braces unsightly.
There are other advantages to choosing Invisalign. Invisalign promotes healthier oral health because they are easy to clean. Unlike traditional braces, they can be removed and cleaned every time you take a meal before putting them back on.
Although moving a tooth is painful regardless of which technique you opt for, Invisalign is a lot more comfortable. They are gentle on your tender tissues inside your mouth and do not scrape or cut. Your soft tissues do not have to deal with metals and wires that can potentially harm you.
How Long Does Invisalign Take to Close a Gap?

Now, the golden question is, how long does Invisalign take to close a gap? Each aligner generally moves about 0.2mm. If you have a minor gap, it may require about ten weeks. For mild gaps, it can 6 to 12 months. If your case is severe, you may even go up to 18 months. In a nutshell, the greater the gap, the longer it will take to close the gap.
However, this time frame is only an estimate. Several other factors determine how long it will take to correct your teeth. Let us look at some of them.
- If your dental issue is just a tooth gap, you can expect a faster result. But if your tooth gap is combined with other complications, it may take longer. For instance, if you have gum disease, your doctor will not dive right into prescribing Invisalign but treat the underlying issue first. In case of overcrowding, you may have to wear your aligners for a few weeks more.
- Your age can also have a significant impact on how well it responds to aligners. Kids and teens generally respond faster to orthodontic treatments.
- Every person’s teeth are unique, and your oral health dynamics affect the length of treatment. Surprisingly, some older adults’ teeth move faster than children. Although we can give you estimates, your teeth’s response may slightly differ from others of the same age and gap width.
- How compliant you are with your orthodontist’s instructions will impact the length of treatment. You must wear the aligners for a minimum of 22 hours per day. Unlike braces, aligners are removable, and many patients tend to remove them for longer than they should.
Invisalign is an effective means to close gaps quickly and effectively. It is more comfortable and convenient than traditional metal, ceramic, or lingual braces. Although every person’s teeth are unique and respond differently, expect anywhere between 10 weeks to 18 months for Invisalign to close your tooth gap.
It might also help you to know that even after your gaps are closed, there are chances that the teeth will revert to their old position. To keep your closely spaced, straight, and beautiful teeth, you will need to wear retainers at night.
How to Pay For Braces?
Having bad teeth can be horrible. From being self-conscious and losing confidence to bearing pain and difficulty maintaining hygiene, there is no end to the woes they can bring. That is why millions of people are willing to go to great lengths, embracing months and even years of braces to correct bad teeth. But unfortunately, braces can be pretty expensive and too costly for many patients.
Getting braces can be a significant financial investment. So it pays to do some research and go through your options before you commit to braces. This article will discuss the various ways you can pay your bills and get the perfect teeth of your dream.

But before we get there, let us see what types of braces are out there in the market. There are different categories that you can choose from according to your budget and personal preference.
Types of braces
Metal Braces
These are the traditional braces that have been around the longest and the ones we’ve all seen. Metal braces are constructed with metal brackets glued on teeth and then tied with wires to move teeth in the desired direction. They are much cheaper than other braces, but they look apparent, which may cause cosmetic concerns. However, younger patients may enjoy wearing colorful plastic bands and bold designs on traditional braces.
Ceramic Braces
Ceramic braces are like traditional metal braces. However, the only difference is that they are made of tooth-colored ceramics. The wires may be silver, white, or colored. Because they are less noticeable, they are better options for those who do not want their treatment to be too obvious. However, they are slightly more expensive than metal braces.
Lingual Braces
Lingual braces work the same way as metal and ceramic braces, but they are attached to the back instead of the front. Lingual braces are invisible and fast but can be uncomfortable to wear.
Invisalign is the latest addition to misaligned teeth treatment options. If you opt for this, you will wear a set of aligners that guide your teeth into the desired position. Each set is a progression from the last, pushing misaligned teeth into place. They are also quite expensive.
How much do they cost?
Braces in the United States can range from $3000 to $6000. However, the actual price you pay can vary according to the type of treatment, your age, and length of treatment. However, according to American Dental Association, the average cost for comprehensive orthodontic care costs around $5000 to $6000. The pricing can also vary according to region. For example, in Manhattan, braces cost a whopping $11,500 on average.
As there is no standard length of treatment for any orthodontic patient, it is difficult to estimate the standard price. Depending on the case, you may need to wear a brace anywhere from 6 months to 3 years, which is a lot of difference. If you wear braces for three years, you will incur hefty expenses. It might be a good idea to visit one or more orthodontists and get a quote. If you have multiple quotes, you can choose one that fits your budget and plan the payment accordingly.
Ways To Pay For Braces
Now, let us explore your payment options.
Pay upfront.
If you are economically sound, you can pay all your bills at once. Because orthodontic treatment can be costly, many clinics offer some discount if you are willing to pay the enormous sum at once. You may avail of 3 to 8 percent discount on the total cost. But that is if you can afford it. If you are less fortunate with money, don’t worry. Read on to find more options.
Pay in installments.
As you guessed, not all people can pay the entire cost at once. Most clinics offer a payment plan where you make a down payment and then spread the remaining cost over the treatment period.
Get your braces to form a dental school.
You will get your treatment from an intern rather than an experienced orthodontist, but a senior doctor supervises the treatment, so it’s very safe. You may pay only a third of the cost in a renowned clinic, so it is quite a bargain.
Use your dental insurance.
Dental insurance does not cover the entire cost. They only finance about 25% of the price, but it may still be helpful.
Use your Health Savings Account.
You can use HSA without tax, but the downside is they only cover orthodontic treatments if it qualifies as a medical expense and not for cosmetics.
Use CareCredit.
CareCredit is a credit card that helps you to pay medical expenses. You can use it to pay the costs in full and then pay the credit on the card over time. They have promotional financing options that can help you avoid paying interest if you pay off some amount during the promotional period. You can apply for a CareCredit card online.

Get Help.
If you come from a very low-income family and braces are necessary for medical purposes rather than cosmetics, you can get help. You can check the Medicaid website to learn if you qualify for their programs. If you do, they will cover some part of the cost. If you fall under the category of age 10-18, you can also check out if you qualify for help from charities. Smile Changes Lives and Smiles for a Lifetime are two significant charities that cover the bulk of the cost.
Final Thoughts
Getting braces may not be as difficult as you imagined or even impossible. As you’ve seen, there is a wide range of options to finance your orthodontic treatment. Thanks to all the health plans, insurances, and charities, fixing a smile is now a reachable dream for many.
We hope we’ve been able to help you figure out a way to pay for your braces according to your income and convenience. With all those options up your sleeve, you won’t be so lost as to how you should pay your bills when you hit your doctor’s office.
Is Invisalign Cheaper than Braces?
Invisalign is a form of orthodontic treatment that utilizes a set of clear and hence, invisible aligners to re-position your set of teeth. When it comes to alignment and fit, people get wary and have to brace themselves to invest depending upon their needs, the pros outweighing the cons and the total expenditure.
Compared to the traditionally used metal brackets, these clear set of aligners are a boon for many who dread the presence of braces. Well, while considering the total cost of the dental treatment and procedure, braces are comparatively cheaper.

Before diving deeper into the costs incurred for Invisalign, let’s have a look at the factors that contribute to its choice.
Contributing Factors to choosing Invisalign
Now, since you are aware of Invisalign and what it does, let us look at the factors that will help you choose between the former and the braces.
1) Condition of your teeth
Your oral health is a major determining factor in your inclination towards either of the choices. If your set of teeth needs a lot of attention and care, you would instead invest in the metal brackets. However, if your teeth are a little crooked and don’t need extensive work, clear aligners will work well.
2) Insurance coverage
Another critical factor is the nature of your insurance plan. Sine, the Invisalign doesn’t come cheap, you wouldn’t want to be stuck with huge bills at the dentist. Hence, it is better to ensure that your insurance plan covers their expense.
3) User demographics
The costs incurred during the procedure also largely depend upon the location you hail from and the associated standard of living. Hence, if the dentists charge higher in a particular area, you will find a hole drilled in your savings.
Why would you choose Invisalign?
If you’re a person who is bothered continuously about his/her appearance, you will get easily rattled by the presence of the metal brackets fitted in your mouth.
People usually prefer to keep it to themselves and instead do not make a big show of their oral health. Specific spaces are private, and the mouth is one of them.
However, if you have no issue with the metal showing in your mouth and are fine with the pain and discomfort involved in the process, you can go for braces.
Invisalign is a lucrative spend for most people, and they do think twice before making it happen.
Since it works on advanced technology, an expectation of additional costs and a rise in expenditure does occur. The added trouble of moving around with wires in your mouth gets completely avoided with Invisalign for your teeth.
Cost of Invisalign
The Consumer Guide to Dentistry clearly states that the Invisalign’s average cost on the national scale varies between approximately $3,000 to $5,000.
Their website indicates that the price can vary between $3,000 to $7,000, which is a massive leap from braces. They cost anywhere between $2,000 to $6,000, depending upon your oral health.
Concerning insurance schemes, you can avail of a cover of up to $3,000. Now you know that the total cost of fixing Invisalign is either equal to or higher than conventionally used braces.
Pros and Cons
There are a variety of reasons for choosing Invisalign over braces and vice-versa too. Let’s have a glance at the benefits and limitations of Invisalign:
1) The brackets’ transparent nature facilitates wearing them for prolonged durations since they’re practically invisible.
2) Due to the ‘no visibility’ attribute, you as a user can be more confident about flashing your teeth and not have self-esteem issues.
3) The aligners are removable while consuming food or brushing teeth. Ideally, you have to wear the aligners for around 22 hours per day.
4) The fixing and adjustment options are quicker and more straightforward compared to braces.
5) Even though the recommendation to change the aligners every two weeks occurs, the visits to the dentist’s office are far lesser.
6) The re-positioning occurs slowly, and it is far less painful as compared to braces.
7) The cuts, ulcers, and sores accompanied with braces due to the wires cutting into your mouth are entirely avoided.
1) The procedure and the cost of the aligners are undoubtedly expensive.
2) Due to dire circumstances, if you end up breaking or losing the aligners, you stand to lose a lot and pay more than the expected amount.
3) The pain is considerably reduced but is still there, and in some cases, the discomfort experienced is quite prominent.
Oral care and Hygiene
Even after getting the clear aligners, you cannot get out of the necessary process of maintaining oral Hygiene. The teeth should be kept clean, and brushing and flossing should get done at least two times a day.
In some instances, if the type of food consumed tends to leave stains or cause discoloration of teeth, gargling with water or brushing of teeth is highly recommended.
You wouldn’t want the clear aligners to change color over time and become visible in your mouth. Hence, it is best to keep your pearly whites in the best shape and brush them regularly to avoid frequent visits to the dentist.
Further, though they’re far superior and sophisticated than braces, they require the use of retainers so that the position of the teeth and the jawline is maintained.
Depending upon the extent of work required, you will be requested to wear the retainer either through the day initially or only at night later on. Once the alignment occurs and the necessary precautions have been taken, you can let go of the retainer, too, just like the brackets.

Wrapping Up
All things said and done, and the choice is ultimately yours. You can arrange a consultation with your dentist and get all of your queries cleared. Further, gaining more knowledge about Invisalign will only ease the process and smooth out the rough edges.
So, make sure you drop by the dentist and discuss your oral health openly.
Cheap Braces for Students: Options Compared
Students walk the tightrope of life with minimum budgets and learn to cut corners along the way. With such a tight budget, they need to reduce the expenditure and know to increase their savings.
In such a scenario, unexpected spending on orthodontic treatments like braces and other dental options adds to the expenses. More often than not, students prefer to choose affordable options.

Unlike adults with a job, students have no means of earning money other than part-time jobs and financial dependency on their parents. Even the earnings from a part-time job are insufficient and won’t cover a dental plan or treatment cost.
After all, a visit to the orthodontist can undoubtedly affect your savings, especially when you’re a student. Let’s take a closer look at the options available for you:
Types of Braces
Initially, there are many dentists and dental clinics that offer a free consultation. You should benefit and visit them to get an accurate idea about the dental treatment’s total estimate.
First, let us take a look at the different types of braces available:
1) Metal braces
The oldest and the most common types of braces in the market are the metal brackets. Using them, you not only get your set of teeth aligned but also in a quicker manner. However, many people, mostly the students, don’t prefer this option because of the visibility level. The wires are seen and are extremely uncomfortable too.
2) Lingual braces
A relatively new and advanced type of dental treatment is the lingual braces. The fitting of these types of braces occurs on the back end of the teeth. Hence, hiding the brackets appears quickly, and no one would know that you’re wearing braces. They’re relatively expensive because of the nature and mode employed to fit in the braces.
3) Ceramic Braces
These types of braces are of the same color as that of the teeth and stay hidden well. Since they are the enamel color, you don’t have to worry about the wires or the metal brackets showing. The major limitation is the material itself, which is hard and resistant in comparison to metal braces. Also, without proper hygiene, discoloration occurs rapidly.
4) Invisalign
Saying no to brackets couldn’t be more straightforward than with Invisalign. A highly advanced form of technology that employs clear and transparent molds fits the teeth. The entire process takes longer, and they are very expensive compared to the other options.
Comparative Analysis of the Prices
Governed by two significant factors, the dental treatment prices vary to a large extent. The former is the intensity of the dental problem, and the next one is your consistency with maintaining dental hygiene.
Firstly, we will consider the base price of the dental treatments:
The approximate cost of the metal braces varies between $3,000 to $6,000, respectively.
Further, the ceramic braces cost anywhere between $4,000 to $8,000.
The cost of the Invisalign procedure varies in the range of $3,000 to $8,000, respectively.
Last but not least, the Lingual braces are the most expensive and cost $8,000 to $10,000 respectively.
Also, depending upon the individual’s age, the length of the dental treatment varies, and so does the cost of the treatment. Before the treatment, there is little you can do to fasten the process altogether; however, once the treatment has begun, you can always take utmost precaution and care so that the alignment occurs in a safer and faster manner.
The values mentioned in the table below indicate the distinct difference in the duration of the treatment and the accompanying costs per the person wearing them.
Child | One year | $2,457 |
Two years | $4,194 | |
Three years | $7,372 | |
Four years | $9,829 | |
Adult | One year | $2,546 |
Two years | $5,091 | |
Three years | $7,637 | |
Four years | $10,183 |
Source: Cost of Braces
Affordable Options for Students
Being a student does have its perks too. Students can easily choose from the below options to support their dental treatments:
1)Dental Assistance plans
Certain charitable trusts and non-profit organizations provide schemes and plan to choose the best-suited treatment and get it done. These plans are solely designed and introduced for families and individuals who are unable to carry the expenditure. There are free clinics that you can visit for free consultations and procedures after that.
2) Flexible spending accounts
If you work on a part-time basis or request your parents for money, you can benefit from flexible spending accounts. Hence, the repayment of the amount can take time, but due to its flexible nature, negotiation can occur quickly with the bank officials.
3) Insurance
If you’re covered under your parent’s insurance scheme or have a separate insurance policy, then do check the regulations and coverage. Not many policies consider dental treatments under the medical category and consider them as cosmetic procedures. Hence, it won’t offer coverage. However, in some instances, where dental surgery occurs, you can benefit from an insurance scheme.
4) Dental Schools
As per the American Dental Association (ADA), the orthodontist students require to search for volunteers they can practice over. You can volunteer in such schools provided that the one studying dentistry is confident about the procedure and had sufficient practice. They charge a nominal fee and, in most cases, get ready to do it for free.

In addition to the options mentioned above, some dentists and clinics offer comprehensive payment packages or plans. They’re curated to make the expenses less and reduce the burden on your shoulders.
An essential factor that needs consideration is that though affordability is an attribute, it isn’t the only one. You should also weigh the benefits and look through necessary details like the extent of damage to the teeth, the type of correction method, ways to maintain oral hygiene, and the treatment plan’s duration.
Once you’re aware of all the factors, you can look for methods to support you in financing the dental treatment rather than looking for uncomfortable options. You can always browse for more choices and decide which suits your teeth and pocket the best.
Byte Vs. Smile Direct Club Aligners
Having too many options is a double-edged sword, even when it concerns teeth-straightening/correcting treatments. If customers are spoiled for choice with the number of dental servicers, they are even more indulged when it comes to the many different procedures they can opt for to correct dental issues. Among this endless list of dental service providers are Byte and Smile Direct – both worthy contenders in their own way.
We’re here to settle whether Smile Direct Club or Byte is better once and for all. Both dental servicers have numerous personal accolades to their names, but Byte takes the cake this time. Here’s why:
Turnaround Time Frame
This is an area where Byte outshines not just Smile Direct but every other competitor in the aligner industry. It has its Hyperbyte device to thank for this feat. The Hyperbyte is a device that uses gentle vibrations that facilitate better shifting of teeth. Because of this, a treatment that requires a six months time frame typically only takes three months with Byte aligners. Plus, the Hyperbyte also helps relieve aligner pain or discomfort.
Their Aligner Technology
There was a time when Smile Direct and Align Tech (the ones who created Invisalign) were partners. This is significant because Align Tech is revered for producing high-quality aligners. Now with this partnership turned into dust, Smile Direct Club is now mostly producing their aligners in-house. Sadly, Smile Direct has not seen any new, game-changing technology in recent years. They seem to be content with continuing with things exactly as they were – which is both good and bad.
On the other hand, Byte does not have anyone that they explicitly share a partnership with. Nonetheless, their aligners are BPA-free and deceptively smooth, considering how rigid they actually are. In terms of innovation, Byte stays ahead of the game by not being afraid to implement new technologies – the Hyperbyte device is testament to this statement.
How affordable a company’s services are is a crucial factor in determining its appeal. In terms of pricing, Byte and Smile Direct Club run close. Both dental services require identical initiation and payment plans. The slightly varying differences in prices set in with their individual additional costs. For instance, it costs $1,895 for Byte aligners. Smile Direct’s goes for $1,950. However, Byte covers after-treatment retainers in this package, but DirectSmile charges an additional $99 for retainers.
Payment Plans
The similarities are that both Byte and Smile Direct offer 100% approval on financing for customers. This is regardless of their credit scores. Other than that, they have slight price variations. Smile Direct Club requires $250 as down payment while Byte’s is $349. Monthly installment payments for Smile Direct can span across 24 months, with customers choosing to pay as less as $89 a month. Byte’s payment plans span up to 29 months, with a minimum fee of $83 a month. Taking it one step further is Byte’s 5-year Smile Protection Plan. Under it, customers are eligible for retainer replacements twice a year, plus two replacements in case of stolen or lost retainers – all for free. This is one area where both dental servicers stand as equals almost, in the Byte Vs. Smile Direct Club argument.
Smile Direct currently has over 300+ SmileShops where you can get teeth scans. Byte does not offer in-person consultations. If you’re someone who prefers live interactions, you may find Smile Direct’s services more up your alley.
That being said and done, it is worth mentioning that Byte reviews are consistently positive. They may limit their services to virtual communication, but their customer service is prompt and clear. On the other hand, Smile Direct has a handful of negative reviews concerning their customer feedback support.
Byte Vs. Smilelove
SmileLove had its moment when it first launched, but it seems to be navigating troubled waters at the moment. There are reports that claim customers did not receive their Smilelove packages even after the service provider confirmed their orders. A word of caution, you may want to look into all such details before placing an order with them, for now at least.
Setting that aside, Smilelove and Byte follow a similar process. Both dental service providers require customers to send in impressions of their teeth so their orthodontists can work out a customized treatment plan for them.
Byte Vs. Invisalign
An Invisalign treatment will set you back by about $5000. Byte aligners cost an average of $1,895. There’s also the fact that Byte claims quicker results than Invisalign. The latter requires about 12-18 months of treatment time. Byte’s time frame for dental correction treatments is an average of three to 10 months. Plus, with Byte, you get a lifetime guarantee. Under it, customers can claim free realignment of their teeth in case they misalign after a treatment.
The other major difference between the two is that Invisalign treatment requires customers to walk into the dentist’s office for appointments. With Byte, they can carry out their treatments at home with virtual assistance from their orthodontist.
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General Dentistry
General dentistry visits focus on the health of your teeth and maintenance of keeping your teeth healthy. General dentistry encompasses fillings, crowns, dental cleanings and more. It is recommended that you see your dentist for a cleaning at least every 6 months. Regular cleanings can detect issues such as cavities or gum disease, and keep your teeth healthy!

Cosmetic Dentistry
Cosmetic dentistry focuses on improving the appearance of your teeth. The most popular form of cosmetic dentistry is teeth whitening, but cosmetic dentistry includes everything from orthodontics to veneers.

Preventive Dentistry
It is important to practice good dental hygiene in order to prevent cavities and other more serious dental issues. This includes regularly brushing your teeth, flossing and using mouth wash. Your dentist can help you as well; one example of preventive dentistry is sealants.

Restorative Dentistry
Restorative dentistry focuses on bringing the health and esthetics of the mouth and teeth to a normal state, while preserving the natural teeth whenever possible.

Root Canals
A root canal is a dental procedure to replace infected pulp in the root of the tooth; this procedure is needed when the nerve of the tooth becomes infected. This is a common procedure and should not cause pain.

Partial or complete dentures are needed when teeth are missing from the mouth. Talk with your dentist to see what type of dentures are right for you.

Dental implants can be used when teeth are missing from the mouth. Implants are placed in the mouth by a periodontic dentist. Ask your dentist if implants are right for you.

What is Cosmetic Dentistry?
Davis Dental Services in Irving, TX has become well known for their expert cosmetic dentistry services. Our team of dentists and our staff of hygienists and dental assistants are expertly trained to provide a wide range of general dentistry treatments.
You’ll leave our clinic feeling happy about how your teeth look!
So, what exactly is cosmetic dentistry?
In its simplest form, cosmetic dentistry can be just teeth whitening or veneers, but really, cosmetic dentistry is all about creating a more beautiful smile with great-looking teeth. This can be achieved in a number of different forms, including the aforementioned veneers and teeth whitening, as well as dental implants, crowns, bridges and many other procedures.
Teeth Whitening, Dental Implants, and Porcelain Veneers are all a part of cosmetic dentistry!

In the past, cosmetic dentistry used to only refer to the fixing or replacing of broken or missing teeth. In today’s world of cosmetic dentistry, the term includes aesthetic procedures that create beautiful smiles and perfect teeth. Procedures that produce these great teeth include whitening, bonding, restorative dentistry, filings, veneers, dental implants and the straightening of teeth through orthodontics. Davis Dental Services uses the latest, most high-tech equipment and procedures to provide these periodontal services.
If you’re interested in specifics, cosmetic dentistry procedures include bleaching teeth, repairing chips, filing cavities, bridging gaps, crowning broken teeth and reshaping others, as well as a variety of preventative dentistry services.
If you’re looking for a dentist to administer these cosmetic treatments in prompt and efficient fashion, your best choice in Irving is Davis Dental Service. Our full service dental office offers all these dental treatments and more. Dr. Larry Davis and his team are professionals and provide the finest treatment and care around. We make each patient feel comfortable in our clinic with gentle dentistry treatments.
How Do I Know if Dental Implants are Right for Me?
No matter how or why it happened, there is no reason to go through life with missing teeth. Missing teeth are not only an embarrassing issue for people, but they are also a sign of poor oral health. The easiest way to correct this is with a dental implant.
There are many different ways to create a healthy smile, so why should people choose to go with dental implants over dentures or bridges? For one thing, dental implants are right for almost anyone with a healthy mouth and a fully grown jaw. Dental implants can help those who have one or more teeth missing, a bridge in need of replacement or dentures. Dental implants provide a full, long-term solution for those with missing teeth, as opposed to bridges and dentures, which are regarded as temporary solutions.
The most important thing a candidate for dental implants needs is a healthy jaw with enough bone density to handle an implanted tooth.

It also helps to be a non-smoker and not have any kind of gum disease or other oral health issues. Dental implants will still be possible, but treatments for gum disease or jaw issues will need to be handled before an implant is possible.
Since most people don’t have to worry about gum disease or smoke affecting their strength of their jaw bones, the question for most people becomes cost and the long-term health benefits of dental implants. Sure, dental implants are fairly expensive, but they can correct your missing teeth for a lifetime. These are permanent fixes, not temporary solutions. Going with dentures or bridges may be cheaper, but they will have to be repaired or replaced at some point.
Those costs will begin to add up and outweigh those of dental implants.
There are also several negatives effects of never replacing missing teeth with an implant. This might lead to jaw erosion as the jaw bones under your teeth will begin to weaken and deteriorate since they aren’t supporting teeth. It’s also much more difficult to chew food with missing teeth.
Those looking for a permanent solution to their missing teeth can contact the expert periodontal team at David Dental Service. We can run a full examination of your mouth to determine whether or not teeth implants would be right for you. If so, our team can be trusted for full dental implant services.
We will insert an implant (usually a screw) into the jaw to serve as the root for a replacement tooth. The tooth will be inserted when the area around the implant is fully healed. In just a few months, a missing tooth can be replaced with a great-looking dental implant that will hold up for a lifetime!